
Java 8 minecraft
Java 8 minecraft

If you wish to learn more about how the JVM arguments work (which I recommend), feel free to do your own research as I'm not qualified to explain them to you. "-XX:ParallelGCThreads=12" - Sets the maximum logical processors (threads) the Java application (in this case, it's Minecraft) can use my CPU has 12 threads, so I set it to 12. Feel free to experiment with this value to get the best results. For example: For example: if you have 1 GB to spare, use 2000 since I allocated 4 GB and have 2 GB to spare, I'll use 6000. "-XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=6000" - Tells the Java application (Minecraft) how much milliseconds to use per MB of soft references. This should be half of the RAM allocated to Minecraft in my case, I have allocated 6 GB (6144 MB) of RAM, so I will use 3072m (3 GB). "-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=3072m" - Sets the cache size for reserved code that the Java application (in this case, it's Minecraft) might reuse. "-Xms 6G" - Sets the initial allocated RAM to 6 GB of RAM to the Java application (Minecraft) at launch this value should be the same as the maximum allocated RAM to reduce amount of garbage collection the program has to do. "-Xmx 6G" - Sets the maximum allocated RAM to 6 GB of RAM to the Java application (in this case, it's Minecraft) at launch you should always leave at least 1 GB (2 GB is recommended) for your system. "-d64" - Makes the Java application (in this case, it's Minecraft) run as a 64-bit program, which allows it to use what your 64-bit OS has to offer only use this if your operating system is 64-bit, otherwise remove this parameter. Read these first to customise the JVM arguments to suit your system :

java 8 minecraft java 8 minecraft

If you do not know how to set your Minecraft JVM arguments, there are many tutorials online that show you how.

Java 8 minecraft